Please enjoy this Annual Impact Report - our highlight reel of successes in 2023. These successes are not possible without the unwavering support of our industry partners, loyal donors and volunteers, and nonprofit partners we support who are dedicated to ensuring our legacy of service continues for generations. We have made steady progress by working closely together and remaining focused on the people who need our help the most. For us, this means providing connections to essential services that effectively address personal, immediate needs while strategically investing in prevention programs and solutions. The results speak for themselves. In this report, you will learn more about how we are helping our community thrive in our four Impact Areas - Healthy Community, Financial Security, Youth Opportunity, and Community Resiliency.
• We dedicated our Center for Community Engagement. This will be an excellent community resource for collaboration, learning, and problem-solving.
• We are continuing our work in literacy and supporting our youngest learners by adding new Little Free Libraries, installing Born Learning Trails, and getting books into the hands of children and families.
• We are creating safe and stable homes in partnership with Dalton Housing Authority by renovating another triplex unit to serve three more families.
• We are developing the next generation of community leaders through our Youth United program and the University of Georgia’s Youth Leadership in Action training.
• We are building a healthier community through the continued work with our Community Partners and investments in Community Solutions to connect people in need with people who can help.
United Way of Northwest Georgia’s success is our community’s success, but there is more work to do. We invite you to have a seat at the table. Please join us to build a community where everyone can thrive. United, we do more.
With gratitude,
Amanda Burt, President
Mike Sanderson, 2023 Board Chair
United, We Can Create a
Thriving Community.
Our Mission
Improving Lives. Inspiring Donors. Uniting Community.
Our Vision
To be the preferred organization investing in our community's education, basic needs, and health.
What We Do
Since 1941, United Way of Northwest Georgia has been a powerful force for good and a critical part of the fabric of Whitfield and Murray counties. The needs in our community have changed over time, so we’ve adapted our support to stay ahead of those emerging needs and help as many people as possible. We believe that every person deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. We work daily to advance the common good by investing in high-quality human service programs and working with philanthropists, businesses, churches, local governments, and dedicated community volunteers to create lasting, measurable changes. When there is a community need, United Way of Northwest Georgia is there. From advancing health and education to strengthening livelihoods and local resilience, we connect people to possibilities in Whitfield and Murray counties. United Way mobilizes our community to take action so all can thrive! United Way of Northwest Georgia is a local 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving Northwest Georgia.
Community Partners
We all win when a child succeeds in school, families are financially stable, and people have good health.
When you give to United Way of Northwest Georgia, you can be confident that your gift will be used where it’s truly needed. Your donation stays here in Whitfield and Murray Counties and supports the agencies listed below.
Community Investment
We have a mission to unite people and resources within our community.
The Community Solutions Committee is comprised of local volunteers who serve on one of six panels that represent United Way’s key impact areas - Healthy Community, Financial Security, Youth Opportunity, and Community Resiliency. The panels strategically group United Way’s Community Partners into these categories: Day Services for Children, Mentoring Services, Abuse Prevention and Intervention, Specific Health Needs, Basic Needs, and Day Services for Adults.
Impact Stories
Click the pictures to read more about each of our Impact Stories.
What Your Gift Will Do
From dedicated corporate partners, philanthropists investing $10,000 in the Alexis de Tocqueville Society, Women’s Leadership Council members giving $1,000 each, Young Leaders Society members pledging $365, and individuals giving weekly through payroll deduction, more than 9,000 local United Way donors contributed to the 2023 Campaign. It is evident that the strong heritage that our community has in giving to United Way is still very much alive, and you can have confidence that your gift will go to the most immediate needs within our local community.
Members in Giving Societies
Alexis De Tocqueville + Leadership + Endowment Donors
Total Donors
Resource Allocation
With a variety of different revenue streams, we make sure that each dollar counts and is put towards making a direct impact in our community. Your donations, along with other financial support, enable us to create and invest in innovative solutions.
Volunteerism and Engagement
Volunteerism and engagement are at the root of all our work at United Way of Northwest Georgia and comes in all shapes and sizes. With hundreds of volunteer opportunities happening every year, we mobilize the members of our community to find opportunities that fit their needs. Check out some of our 2023 Volunteer Highlights: