United Way's Focus on Health

Nurturing Healthy Families

From meeting immediate needs by providing meals to people in crisis to long-term solutions that improve accessibility to nutritious food, United Way of Northwest Georgia supports strategies and programs to ensure someone’s zip code doesn’t determine their health status.


A Healthy Community Starts Here.


We can all work together to improve the health of individuals and families in our community. Taking care of basic needs and investing in long-term strategies will help everyone reach their full potential. From food pantries and home-delivered meals to the elderly, ending hunger in our community is possible. Together, we can help improve individual lives and make our community stronger. United, We Make the Difference.


Health Strategic Guideline:
Support prevention services so youth and adults are healthy and avoid risky behaviors.

Thanks to your gift to United Way last year:

18,565 individuals were provided food assistance

75,505 meals delivered to home-bound elderly

5,534 individuals participated in physical activity and had access to healthy food & nutrition programs


Your gift will:

Feed homebound elderly

Help individuals receive residential treatment for drug and alcohol addiction 

Give children born with birth defects access to lifesaving medical care

Provide care for elderly and disabled individuals

Ready to make an Impact?