Meet Our 2022 United Way Board of Directors

United Way of Northwest Georgia is led by a Board of Directors comprised of locally trained volunteers.

For the 2022 year, we have a total of 30 Board Members who represent a variety of companies, industries, and backgrounds.

We held our first Board of Directors meeting for the 2022 year on Thursday, March 24. The meeting was led by 2022 United Way of Northwest Georgia Board Chair, Landon Hair, along with President, Amanda Burt.

The meeting took place in United Way of Northwest Georgia's new Community Engagement Center. The Community Engagement Center is part of a three-phase project, fully funded by an anonymous donation, to update United Way's technology, resources, and meeting space to serve our community.

"The Center for Community Engagement will provide us the opportunities to host more collaborations with local community leaders and push United Way forward so we can continue to efficiently and effectively meet our community's greatest needs," stated President, Amanda Burt.

The Board Meeting consisted of reports given by our Board Committee Chairs along with United Way staff to provide annual reports for each committee. We also introduced three new Board Members: Jonathan Sierra with Shaw Industries, Russell Headrick with Shaw Industries, and Kevin Wright with Marketing Alliance Group.


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Jonathan Sierra | Shaw Industries, Inc.

Jonathan Sierra is currently the Technical Manager for Shaw Industries, Inc. along with also being United Way's 2022 Volunteer Center Cabinet Chair. He graduated with a Chemical Engineering degree from Georgia Tech in the year 2001. 

His United Way journey began when he became a member of United Way's Young Leaders Society in 2007. Since Jonathan's involvement in our Young Leaders Society, he has gone on to lead a successful annual fundraising event that benefits United Way of Northwest Georgia- The Dalton Grand Prix. By combining  his love for bicycle racing and philanthropy, Jonathan is an excellent example of the Power of Community. In 2021, The Dalton Grand Prix raised over $10,500 for United Way! 

"United Way has given me the opportunity to get involved in my community, and has shown me how easy it is to invest in the education, basic needs, and health of so many individuals and families locally, " stated Jonathan when asked about United Way's impact on his life.

Jonathan is a testament to how helping others can align with aspects of our lives that we already love, like bicycle racing, and how we as advocates can create a brighter future for our community.

Russell Headrick | Shaw Industries, Inc.

Russell Headrick is currently the Director of Financial Services for Shaw Industries, Inc. along with also serving on our Community Solutions Committee. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management from Covenant College. Russell has since been with Shaw Industries for 28 years.

Russell was introduced to United Way through Shaw Industries' United Way annual United Way campaign. 

"My family has been very blessed, and I have a desire to help those who may not be as fortunate as we are. It's what led me to start giving to United Way through Shaw's campaign and also what inspired me to join the United Way Community Solutions Panels. By having firsthand experience in the United Way funds allocation process, I have been able to see how United Way helps bridge the gap for so many immediate needs within our local community," stated Russell when asked about United Way's impact on his life.

The Community Solutions Committee is comprised of local volunteers who serve on one of six panels that represent all of United Way’s key focus areas in Education, Basic Needs, and Health. The panels strategically group United Way’s Community Partners into these categories: Day Services for Children, Mentoring Services, Abuse Prevention and Intervention, Specific Health Needs, Basic Needs, and Day Services for Adults.

Russell continues to show what it means to Live United by his work on our Community Solutions Committee and now as a United Way Board Member.

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Kevin Wright | Marketing Alliance Group

Kevin Wright is currently the Vice President of Sales at Marketing Alliance Group. He graduated from the University of Georgia. 

Kevin was introduced to United Way through Marketing Alliance's annual United Way campaign. 

"United Way connects people in need with people who can help. I'm proud to take on a bigger role with United Way of Northwest Georgia through servant leadership. I feel confident that we are accomplishing meaningful work within our local community by providing a hand up rather than a hand out. I can't wait to see what the future holds as we continue to Build Better Futures," stated Kevin when asked about United Way's impact on his life.

Kevin continues to show us what it means to Live United by his work as a United Way Board and Finance Committee Member.

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