Happy Women's History Month

Happy Women's History Month to all the extraordinary women in our community! 

Every day is a great day to celebrate the amazing women in your life, but Women's History Month gives you an extra reason to do just that. As a local organization supported by women, we know the importance of empowering women and girls to make a difference in our community.

We are proud that a third of our Board of Directors are women, we have over 300 Women’s Leadership Council members making a meaningful difference, 18 out of our 21 Community Partners are led by women, and we operate with an all female staff at United Way of Northwest Georgia. Now that's what you call girl power!

women staff

We believe in inclusive leadership, service, and results.

Our founders established our United Way with the same entrepreneurial spirit and expectation for success as they did when establishing their own businesses. In fact, The “Empty Stocking Fund” was established in the 1940s on a bet from Mrs. M.E. Judd to Lamar Westcott challenging him to raise $4,000 from a town of 3,000 people. For the first time, he organized the raising of funds much like we do today - with businesses and community citizens stepping up to help their neighbors. Mr. Westcott raised $4,000 and won the bet. The fundraising for the “Empty Stocking Fund'' continued throughout the years and formed the Community Chest. The Community Chest then became what we now know as United Way of Northwest Georgia.

United Way of Northwest Georgia exists because a woman challenged a local community member to step up and help those in need.

 United Way of Northwest Georgia understands the vitality of women thriving within any given community, so much so, that we have a women’s specific giving society, the Women’s Leadership Council (WLC). The Women’s Leadership Council is a vibrant and powerful female-driven philanthropic group supporting United Way’s mission to fight illiteracy. They bring vision, energy, talent, and creativity to lead the charge and inspire change. WLC members make a household gift of $1,000+ to United Way of Northwest Georgia, investing over $1.5 million annually enabling countless lives to be improved.

Women's history

Representing all backgrounds including professionals, community volunteers, philanthropists, and business leaders, these women energize the entire community to create lasting impact for the education, basic needs, and health of everyone in Whitfield and Murray counties. The women of WLC inspire us daily. No matter what circumstances we may find ourselves in, it’s always a good time to give back.

 Interested in joining our Women’s Leadership Council?

Click Here to learn more.

Thank you to the women who are making a difference within our local community! We couldn’t do this without you! Interested in investing in the Education, Basic Needs, and Health of women and their families within our local community?

Click Here to Give. Click Here to Volunteer.

Happy Women's History Month!

#LiveUnited #PowerofCommunity #Unite


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