Great Ways To Give Back This Season

Christmas is fast approaching, and every year it seems to get here in the blink of an eye. It is the most wonderful time of the year—a time for gathering with loved ones and spending quality time together. We often spend so much time with the day-to-day activities of life that we miss the opportunity to be genuinely grateful for all that we have. 

The holidays are the perfect opportunity to give back and help those who may not be quite as fortunate. If you want to lend a helping hand this season, we’ve come up with a few ideas to help you give back to your local community. Giving back during this holiday season reminds us of the good things we have and how we can share them with others.

Here are three great ways to give back this Holiday season:


1. Collect Toys for Sharing is Caring


Every year The Salvation Army hosts their Christmas event “Sharing is Caring” at the North Georgia Fairgrounds. Sharing is Caring is a collaborative effort to help provide Christmas to children in our community. The parents are given time to shop at the Christmas Store which allows them to choose presents that they know their children will enjoy. United Way's Youth United Council is collecting toys for this event, if you would like to donate toys and help out our Youth United Council, please bring the toys by United Way's office at 816 S Thornton Ave, Dalton, GA 30720 Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 

If you would like to volunteer for Sharing is Caring Click Here.

All volunteers must be 18 years old or older and are needed for Saturday, December 17, 2022.


2. Give Your Time

Whether you have a small group or you just want to volunteer a few hours of your time, there are multiple ways you and your family or organization can volunteer during this holiday season. Volunteering offers vital help to people in need and the community. The benefits can be even greater for you, the volunteer. Volunteering allows you to connect to your community and make it a better place. Even helping out with the smallest tasks can make a real difference to the lives of people and organizations in need.

 If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Hayley Poillucci, Volunteer Center Coordinator. Or you can view all of United Way's volunteer opportunities Here.


3. Give a Gift That Gives Back 


We can’t ignore that this is the season for giving, and often that results in an endless search for gifts for loved ones. This year, consider donating to United Way of Northwest Georgia in honor of your friends and family. You will be spreading the love twice as far by helping our community members who are in need and giving your loved one a meaningful gift. Give a Gift Today.

 YOU can make a real difference this Holiday Season for people in our local community who need it most. Become a part of something bigger than yourself.

Ready to make an Impact?