Celebrating the Power of our Community!

            United Way proudly recognizes our corporate partners with the Power of Community Awards! These awards honor YOUR hard work and generosity over the last year and celebrate all we have accomplished together through the Power of Community. We are always grateful to recognize businesses of all sizes and welcome new partnerships joining in support of United Way. Campaign Chair, Kevin Wright, along with President Amanda Burt, extend their thanks to all the CEOs, campaign teams, and employees who supported United Way by giving, advocating, and volunteering. In 2023, over 9,000 people in Whitfield and Murray counties decided to donate to United Way of Northwest Georgia to create a better community where everyone can thrive. On behalf of those individuals and families who will have their lives forever changed by your generosity, we say thank you. Congratulations to ALL our award-winning companies! We are so lucky to have your continued support.

            United Way’s mission is simple: Improving Lives. Inspiring Donors. Uniting Community. We connect people in need with people who can help. With your help, over 64,000 lives are impacted by United Way in Whitfield and Murray counties each year!

United Way thanks and recognizes our outgoing committee chairs and Board Members:

  • Mike Sanderson, 2023, Chairman of the Board
  • Kevin Wright, 2023 Campaign Chair
  • Jonathan Sierra, Volunteer Center Chair, 2022-2023
  • Bill Brueckner, Board of Directors, 2017-2023
  • Bob Hardaway, Board of Directors, 2017-2023
  • Deanna Mathis, Board of Directors, 2019-2023
  • Bradley Austin, Young Leaders Society Co-Chair, 2022-2023

These volunteers have been very dedicated to the mission of United Way. Thank you all for your time and passion for United Way!

Kevin Wright led a robust campaign and raised over $4.155 million for our local community!! Kevin shared, “I want to take a second to thank all the CEOs, our all-star campaign cabinet, and all the volunteers at the companies and organizations across Whitfield and Murray counties who signed up to be campaign coordinators. We couldn’t have done it without your hard work and dedication! Each year that I’ve been involved with the United Way campaign, and especially this year as the Campaign Chair, I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of this community. It’s been so rewarding to see firsthand how much this community cares. Our community is remarkable.”

            United Way annually awards corporate partners for reaching Strategic Giving Levels, achieving 5-Star Champion status, and earning top ranks.

United Way 5-Star Champion Award Commitments:

  1. Make a CEO gift and a corporate pledge.
  2. Choose a dynamic Campaign Coordinator and team.
  3. Allow employees to go on United Way Impact Tours.
  4. Host leadership and company-wide campaign meetings with dollars up over last year and reported to United Way by October 31st.
  5. Encourage employees to volunteer with United Way.


United Way Strategic Partner Levels

  • $25K Community Champion
  • $50K Community Collaborator
  • $100k Community Patron
  • $250K Community Samaritan
  • $500K Community Builder
  • $1 Million Community Pillar


2023 United Way Corporate Awards

Americhem: Highest Participation Award

BDL Advisors: Power of Community Award

Cyra’s – Simple Goodness: Newcomer Award

Dalton Animal Care: Newcomer Award

Dalton Public Schools: Impact Partner Award

Dalton Utilities: Community Champion Award

Dorsett Industries: 5-Star Champion, Community Patron, & Largest Percentage Growth Award

Emerald Carpets: Shining Star Award

Engineered Floors: Community Builder Award

Generation Green Recycling: Newcomer Award

Helton Tire: Newcomer Award

Huali Floors: Murray County Impact Award

International Flooring Company: Newcomer Award

Mannington Phenix: 5-Star Champion & Community Champion Award

Marketing Alliance Group: 5-Star Champion & Community Patron Award

Material Handling Inc.: 5-Star Champion & Community Collaborator Award

Mohawk Industries: 5-Star Champion & Community Builder Award

Shaw Industries: Community Pillar Award

Textile Management Associates: Community Patron Award

Textile Rubber & Chemical Company: Community Patron Award

Truist: Community Champion Award

White’s Collision - Car Star: Small Business Influencer Award

What’s on the horizon for 2024, and how can you get involved? Bradley Austin and Karen Townsend will follow Kevin Wright as the 2024 United Way Campaign Co-Chairs. Volunteers interested in helping Bradley and Karen or companies interested in partnering with us can contact Amy Ross at 706.529.1592 or amy.ross@ourunitedway.org.

Connect with us! Visit ourunitedway.org to learn how to give, advocate, volunteer, and view United Way’s Annual Impact Report. Don’t miss out – follow us on social media. Search United Way of Northwest Georgia on Facebook or @UnitedWayNWGA on Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok for updates. United, We Do More!

Ready to make an Impact?