4 Ways to Show That You Care about Loved Ones and Your Local Community


With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, there’s no better time to show your local non-profits some love. We’ve got some great ways to give back. Buying flowers and chocolates is a tradition on this holiday, but how about switching things up? 


Here are 4 ways to show that you care about loved ones and your local community!



1. Donate to your loved one’s favorite cause

This year, skip the flowers and chocolates. Show your beloved that you care about the causes that they are passionate about. Donate to your loved one’s favorite cause. Click Here to donate to United Way of Northwest Georgia.



2. Get the kids involved, or volunteer to help kids in need

Do your kids love making valentines? Why not deliver some to an elderly home, like United Way Community Partner, RossWoods? Do you both love working with kids? Volunteer together to mentor children in need with United Way Community Partner, Big Brothers Big Sisters.

3. Build something together

Work on a project together; it could be helping out at a United Way Community Partner, Habitat for Humanity site, getting your hands in the dirt planting trees, or helping schoolchildren make art projects. Get creative!



4. Do something good as a treat for yourself

It feels great to lift up others. This Valentine’s day treat yourself and support a nonprofit that you care about by signing up for recurring donations. Recurring donations provide non-profits with peace of mind.

 Give a recurring donation now!


No matter how you decide to spend Valentine’s Day this year, we hope you know that you are the reason our community is special! We couldn’t better the lives of individuals and families in Whitfield and Murray Counties without YOUR continued support! When we do something for someone else we all win. Thank you for doing your part. 

That’s the Power of Community!



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