Born Learning Trails

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The Born Learning Trails were developed to create easy-to-understand, research-driven resources to make it simple and easy for parents, grandparents, informal caregivers and professional childcare providers to understand child development and use “everyday moments” to help children start school ready to succeedThe educational material also underwent rigorous consumer and market testing during development. In focus groups, parents and caregivers spelled out what they needed help with, and what kind of products they’d be most likely to use. Early childhood professionals weighed in as well, and the content of the material was approved by a national panel of early childhood development experts.


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The Born Learning Trail consists of activities to promote early learning and advocate for family health. The Born Learning Trail is a series of 10 interactive signs that offer fun, active learning activities for young children and their families. Signs are available in English and Spanish and feature different activities that engage early childhood developmental skills. Activities along this trail work alongside United Way’s strategic guideline of getting kids ready for kindergarten, reading at grade level by 3rd grade, and graduating on time with skills to be career and life-ready. These trails will help parents, caregivers and members of our community create quality engagement opportunities when out on a stroll or visiting a local playground.





Email Stephanie Hogshead to sponsor or become a steward for one of our Born Learning Trails today!


United Way Born Learning Trail Sites

Chatsworth-Murray County Library

Harlan Godfrey Civitan Park

Joan Lewis Park

Westside Park – Miracle League Field